Overall professional reputation and prior performance
JM has a good number of clients belonging to various industries in the areas of audit, tax, consulting, corporate finance and ISO 9000. The Firm has established a good reputation in the Indonesian business community and attracted several reputable clients, including a number of publicly listed companies.
The partners and senior personnel of JM are well known not only in the business but also in the academic community. One of our partners is a leading full professor in a top university in Indonesia. The others are mostly senior instructors/lecturers in several well known universities in Jakarta and Surabaya. All of them are very well experienced in the field of accounting practice and related areas.
Majority of the clients of JM Group belongs to, among others, the following industries :
- Forestry/Wood/Furniture
- Chemical and Laboratory
- Hotel, Resort, and Restaurant
- Financing
- Textile/Garments/Shoes
- Manufacturing
- Foundation/Association/Clubs
- Plantation
- Insurance
- Broker and Security
- Contractor and Real Estate
- Shipping
- Trading
- Advertising
- Pharmaceutical
JM is registered as Certified Public Accountants with OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/ the Financial Services Authority), Bank Indonesia (Indonesia Central Bank), Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia.